Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hula Hoop Amoeba

Today at Enrich we played hula hoop amoeba. Hula hoop amoeba is a game where you have a group of three and when Katie (or whoever's doing it) says jump and then claps your group(who are holding hands) have to jump with your feet together and all land at the same time if you don't you have to go back to the start also if Katie says something different then jump and then claps and you jump you have to go back to the start as well. Your aim is to get to the hoop jump in it and then jump out to get to the next hoop. There's only two hoops and the first hoop is a checkpoint. Our team came first and then we went back to the start and came second as well. We didn't come third but we were quite close. It was a really fun game.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Today at Enrich I thrashed Alana at chess I took out her queen straight away and it was a piece of cake after that she was a gonner in seconds. She lost a tragic death and it went downhill after that because I won both rounds of abalone as well it was easy! Alana was so sad she cried for two hours afterwards I guess I just have mad game winning skills. In abalone I got six in a row both times and Alana got none both times I guess she's just got mad game losing skills, actually everything was the exact opposite.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Garden Planner

This is my garden planner. I chose it for a family with 3 kids of the ages 7, 10 and 12 which is pretty much like our family. 
It is a modern backyard garden with safe fences to keep the children in and a swimming pool that is fun for kids to play in and great for friends.
It has a deck for the parents to hang out in and have some time alone and a relaxing swing seat.
It has 2 tanks a wheely bin, a washing line and a letter box which you find in most modern backyards but it also has a mixed breed palm tree a mixed breed fountain tree and a mixed breed tree.
It has a vegetable garden  and a herb garden so they won't run out of food and a trampoline and sandpit to keep the children entertained.
In my opinion this is a perfect backyard home perfect for every family with 3 kids of the ages  7, 10 and 12.
I enjoyed making this and would love for it to be my own garden.