Monday, March 26, 2012

Tena koe Kate,

Well our chess challenge has stepped up a notch! I am really impressed with the way your game is developing. During debating you came up with lots of great reasons for your team, and some very well thought out rebuttals. You showed some great leadership skills in organising your team. I wouldn’t like to take you on in an argument!

See you next week


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Making a Pyramid

Today I made a pyramid as one of my picks.
I did it four times and didn't complete it once. It was really hard but I enjoyed the challenge. I never made it through the nile river fast enough but I will keep trying.
I had a hard fun time and will try to do it again next week if I have enough time.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

My Biopoem

Today I made a Biopoem with Darryn. A Biopoem is a poem about yourself. It says things like what you like, where you live, what your name is, what you fear etc. I am happy with my Biopoem and think it is rather good for me, a non poetic person. It looks like this:


Today I did P4C with Darryn. We talked about why because is such an important word. It's important because it explains why you said what you said as long as you use it in the right way.

For example if I said "Why do I have to go to bed so early?" And they replied. "Because I said." That is not a very good use of the word. If I said "Why do I have to go to bed so early?" and they answer "Because you are tired and had a late night last night." That would be an appropriate answer.

So really I decided that because is an important word as long as you use it properly.