Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Done and Dusted

Today Phoenix, Claudia and I finished our Documentary [Wheew! What a relief.]
It is four minutes and twenty two seconds long now and it used to be eighteen minutes and thirteen seconds. Wow! What a difference!
The part I enjoyed doing the most would have to be going on the field trips to take some video, holding the tuatara and going on the Burt Munro and interviewing Tim Shadbolt and out of those it would be holding the tuatara and going in the Burt Munro.
I think my group and my documentary is awesome and I hope we do well in the Made Awards.
I've had lots of fun with my group [and disappointing moments] and I'd be thrilled to do it again.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Last week we finished filming our documentary so today we edited out all the parts that we didn't want. We started with around 20 minutes and edited out around 15 minutes which left us with around 5! We also added in some titles and transitions . We've still got quite a bit to do but I'm happy with what our group finished today and I hope we will get all finished in time a.k.a next week! Everyone in our group took turns at editing.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hello Kate!

The filming your group did today looked great! I loved that you injected some of your sparkling personality into it, while maintaining a professional and mature attitude towards the information you were presenting. You used all of your oral language skills to ensure you were clearly understood. I hope Henry enjoyed your visit as much as you girls did!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Filming for my Documentary

Today I went to the Water Tower and The Southland Museum and Art Gallery to film for my documentary. We went with Claudia's Mum. First we went to the Water Tower and had heaps of fun filming around the venue. Next we went to the Southland Museum and Art Gallery. We saw the Tuataras and even got to hold one! We got lots of great film [and lots of bad film too] which will be very helpful for your documentary.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Today at documentaries I researched tuataras and the Southland Museum and Art Gallery. I searched on Wikipedia and found out heaps of great and useful things for my documentary. I found out that the tuatara resembles a lizard and tuataras are a greenish brown colour and grow up to 80cm. I have a whole page but it would be to hard to write it all down so I won't but I found lots of cool facts that will make our documentary AWESOME!