Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Radio Station

BlockquoteToday at 10:30 Karen and I are going to the Radio Station. The channel that we are going to be on is channel 96.4. We are going with Kim. Kim is the production engineer at Radio Southland. He fixes our mistakes, records us and helps us when we are practising. We're on at 5:00pm and 12:am on Wednesday. We talk about what the Enrich students do for their passion projects. We go to the Radio Station every Wednesday and have things ready to say or Darren will have something ready for us. It is always fun going down to the radio statoin and I would like to continue going there.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gifted Awareness Week

This week is Gifted Awareness Week. We are learning about what it means to be gifted. I think gifted means that we've got talent but only in some areas, we stand out in the crowd and we have the potential to do some pretty amazing things. At Enrich we learn about giftedness, we learn more about the things we're good at and in the long term we learn tons of things we never have heard about before. I think Enrich is a great place for gifted kids.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Radio Station

Today Karen and I went to the Radio Station. We went with Darren Ludlow. We advertised some ads. We met Kim and Brendan. The channel is 96.4. We're going again next week. I really enjoyed myself.