Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Use the questions in the left column to prompt your reflections for 2011.

Year 3-4 must include 1-2 ideas for each section

Year 5-6 must include 2-4 ideas for each section

Name: Kate Date: 30/11/11

Look back


What did you do?

What could you improve?

I did my Passion Project in Term 2 which was to report things and learn about the radio and to be the project manager. I could improve by using more of spare Enrich time when I’m not doing anything to practice or do some thing on it so I’m better than I would have been when it comes to be time to do it.



What questions have you answered?

What questions do you still have?

When I did my Talent Development for the MADE Awards I didn’t even know what the MADE Awards were but now I know what the MADE Awards are and how to edit and make movies as well as a lot more about the Water Tower and a lot more about the museum and the Tuatara’s but there’s still some questions that haven’t been answered yet for example I still don’t know who had the idea of the water tower in the first place.

Pull it apart


What factors contributed to your learning?

What challenged you?

The things that have helped me the most would definitely have to be the teachers. They’re so easy to comunicate with and help you when you need it without any hesitation at all.

Make connections


What did you learn to do better?

What sort of thinking helped you?

I learnt ALOT this term when we were doing maths. One thing I learnt was about pi which will work out your circumference because you divide your circumference by pi (pi is 3.14) and it will equal your diamter, so you halve that which gives your radius so you then can draw your circle with a compass

Make judgements


My progress was...

The progress that I made this year is that I would be pretty much all the things that I have done at Enrich. Even if I did it last year I still learnt more. At Enrich everything that you do pratically extends your brain power because even if your really really extremely good at that subject Enrich will still take you further and hopefully it will keep on doing it.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hi Kate,

Gosh you were busy today! You and Emilia worked hard to create an accurate band rotunda, even the steps which were the most difficult part. What scale did you work to? Are you going to paint it when it is finished? You will have to help me stick the wooden one together when we get it next year!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Band rotunda

Today at Maths we decreased the Band rotunda by 0.125:1 to make a mini one for puppets. We aren't doing it for preschoolers anymore because the wood is too thin so it would just break and the preschoolers would fall. We had to measure the puppets first to see how big the Band rotunda needed to be.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today I did bullying with Alana. We learnt what to do when you're being bullied. When you are in the situation where your being called names you should talk to the bully and sort it out with them if this doesn't work then you should see an adult and hope that they can sort it out with the bully. It was really fun learning about bullying and I'd like to learn some more about it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

1st Day Back

Today was our first ay back at Enrich. Apart from the art people we have a new talent development. I am not an art person so I have a new talent development which is mathematics. What we are doing is measuring.

We are measuring the Band Rotunda in Queen's Park and making a mini one for kids to play in at the library.

We went on a field trip and I measured the stairs of the Band Rotunda.

So far I am having lots of fun and can't wait to go further.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Two stars and a wish for Term 3

One star for this term would be having a team to work with so you don't have all the pressure on just you, you have other people to help you get it finished on time too.

Another star for this term is that we finished our documentary and it well, looks good and I'm very happy with it and so should the rest of my group because they put in a lot of hard work too and we couldn't have done it without each other.

A wish is that we had more time because we had tons of great film and we had to cut out way over half of it. It would be really hard to watch all of them without a certain time limit because it would all be too long except for some of them would be 5 minutes or under and the even harder part would be judging it because it would be so hard to remember it all! So really you have to have a time limit, but still it would be great not to. What you could do is make a robot and set it to the standards that you want it to be at, and then get it to choose the one that had was the most like how the standards were set. It would get it perfect because it's a robot and robots always get stuff perfect, even more perfect than how the standard maker would (because thats why they buy robots or if they just can't do it at all themselves) but that would cost a lot of money that they probably wouldn't be able to afford.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Done and Dusted

Today Phoenix, Claudia and I finished our Documentary [Wheew! What a relief.]
It is four minutes and twenty two seconds long now and it used to be eighteen minutes and thirteen seconds. Wow! What a difference!
The part I enjoyed doing the most would have to be going on the field trips to take some video, holding the tuatara and going on the Burt Munro and interviewing Tim Shadbolt and out of those it would be holding the tuatara and going in the Burt Munro.
I think my group and my documentary is awesome and I hope we do well in the Made Awards.
I've had lots of fun with my group [and disappointing moments] and I'd be thrilled to do it again.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Last week we finished filming our documentary so today we edited out all the parts that we didn't want. We started with around 20 minutes and edited out around 15 minutes which left us with around 5! We also added in some titles and transitions . We've still got quite a bit to do but I'm happy with what our group finished today and I hope we will get all finished in time a.k.a next week! Everyone in our group took turns at editing.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hello Kate!

The filming your group did today looked great! I loved that you injected some of your sparkling personality into it, while maintaining a professional and mature attitude towards the information you were presenting. You used all of your oral language skills to ensure you were clearly understood. I hope Henry enjoyed your visit as much as you girls did!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Filming for my Documentary

Today I went to the Water Tower and The Southland Museum and Art Gallery to film for my documentary. We went with Claudia's Mum. First we went to the Water Tower and had heaps of fun filming around the venue. Next we went to the Southland Museum and Art Gallery. We saw the Tuataras and even got to hold one! We got lots of great film [and lots of bad film too] which will be very helpful for your documentary.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Today at documentaries I researched tuataras and the Southland Museum and Art Gallery. I searched on Wikipedia and found out heaps of great and useful things for my documentary. I found out that the tuatara resembles a lizard and tuataras are a greenish brown colour and grow up to 80cm. I have a whole page but it would be to hard to write it all down so I won't but I found lots of cool facts that will make our documentary AWESOME!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Today I did cartooning. I drew a pig, a fish, a dog, a hippopotamus, a mouse, two women's faces and two women. I liked doing the drawing better than watching the cartoon movies and reading the book. I found out that it's harder then what it looks like and for some strange reason even though I copied exactly out of the book it looked better in the book.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Today Cassandra from the Southland Times came to tell us some interesting facts about interviewing people. She taught us how to make people feel comfortable when you're talking to them. (To make them feel comfortable when you're talking to them you say something nice like the weathers not too flash and it will get them in a nice conversation and it will be easier to get stuff out of them). She also told us that we need to ask open questions instead of closed so that we can get more information out of them in our small amount of time. I thought Cassandra was really interesting and I would like to see her again for more information.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Today at talent development we decided what we were doing. My group [Claudia, Phoenix and I]
are doing icons of Southland. We called the City Council to get an interview with '' Mayor Tim''. We've got to learn to do filming, presenting, interviewing and editing.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Teacher comment

Kate your passion project was not only full of new learning for you but also assisted a large number of other students to succeed with their projects and so it really did make a difference in the lives of others. I was very impressed with how organized and self motivated you and Karen were, and how well you worked together. You have shown the same level of dedication to all your learning at Enrich and have made the most of all the opportunities you have been offered including representing Enrich at the Otago Southland chess competitions.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2 stars and a wish!

My 2 stars at Enrich this term were going to the Chess Tournament and learning about the Radio. At the Radio I learnt that you hear your voice differently to what it actually sounds like.

A wish would be to have done more blog posts. Next term I will do one every day so I can accomplish this wish.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Radio Station Week 4

Today Karen and I went to the Radio Station. Darren came to pick us up. We talked about the passion projects again and talked live with Brendan as well. I will hopefully go next week as well but not the next because it is the school holidays. I will
miss going to the Radio Station and will always be proud of what I did.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Radio Station

BlockquoteToday at 10:30 Karen and I are going to the Radio Station. The channel that we are going to be on is channel 96.4. We are going with Kim. Kim is the production engineer at Radio Southland. He fixes our mistakes, records us and helps us when we are practising. We're on at 5:00pm and 12:am on Wednesday. We talk about what the Enrich students do for their passion projects. We go to the Radio Station every Wednesday and have things ready to say or Darren will have something ready for us. It is always fun going down to the radio statoin and I would like to continue going there.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gifted Awareness Week

This week is Gifted Awareness Week. We are learning about what it means to be gifted. I think gifted means that we've got talent but only in some areas, we stand out in the crowd and we have the potential to do some pretty amazing things. At Enrich we learn about giftedness, we learn more about the things we're good at and in the long term we learn tons of things we never have heard about before. I think Enrich is a great place for gifted kids.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Radio Station

Today Karen and I went to the Radio Station. We went with Darren Ludlow. We advertised some ads. We met Kim and Brendan. The channel is 96.4. We're going again next week. I really enjoyed myself.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Today I did art with Mel. We were doing painting. I used the colours blue, red, yellow and white. It is finished now. It looks great! It is of famous people like Shakespeare, Da Vinci and loads more. They are going on the wall. They all have one thing in common... they are all gifted!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Last week I went to the Profiling workshop. It was about what you are like as a person for example you might want to right wrongs, or be eager for approval. I've shown you this picture to show you what I put.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Today I went to P4C. We talked about can you tell a lie to yourself. I think you can't tell a lie to yourself because if you were telling a lie to yourself you would know it was a lie so it can't happen and you would know that you know it but some people disagree. At the end we were all still disagreeing.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chess strategy of the day

Chess strategy for today is the pin. It is when you could kill two things on the same line and if one moves out of the way the other one will get killed. It is a great strategy.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chess strategy of the day

I found a new chess strategy. It is called the fork. If you look closely at the picture you will see that the Queen you will see that she is able to kill two pieces.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Today I went to P4C. It stands for philosophy for children. We talked about the things we value. It caused a huge conversation. P4C is to hear what other people have to say about their beliefs and to realize the consequences of our decisions. Here is a photo.